
We offer both upper and lower extremity prostheses for all ages and pathologies.

All patients are evaluated on an individual basis to determine the best plan of care.

See some of our recent work!

Lower Extremity

Partial Foot

A custom contoured toe filler can stabilize the residual foot preventing further deterioration of the alignment, minimizes motion in the shoe, and prevents the shoe from collapsing. Fabricated from multi-density materials around a cast impression.

Below Knee

Prosthetic BK sockets can be designed to distribute pressures in specific areas, including: Patellar Tendon Bearing, Total Surface Bearing, and a Hybrid PTD/TSF design. The trim lines of these options can be adjusted to accomodate instability and needs of the residual limb.

    Above Knee

    AK prosthetic sockets can be designed to distribute pressure and stabilize the pelvis by several means including: Quadrilateral and Ischial Containment or a hybrid combination. The trim lines of these options accommodate the hip and residual limb to distribute pressure and stabilize the pelvis under load.


      Below Knee Suspension Styles

      We use a variety of manufacturers and suppliers to ensure
      the best and optimal fit for our patients.

      Locking Liner

      Incorporates a shuttle lock built into the socket and a liner with a pin attached on the distal end. The patient dons the liner which then locks into the socket. 

      Suction Liner

      Gel liner with sealing flanges that seal against the inner surface of the socket by suction. A one way expulsion valve on the socket helps release air, providing an intimate fit. 

      Elevated Vacuum

      Incorporates a sealing liner in combination with a suciton vacuum system. Motion in the foot activates a pumping mechanism to create additional suction.



      Sleeve with Cushion Gel Liner

      Uses an internal gel cushion liner with external sleeve to hold prosthesis on the limb.



      Incorporates higher trimlines to lock in the epicondyles of the knee for socket suspension.




      Above Knee Suspension Styles

      We use a variety of manufacturers and suppliers to ensure
      the best and optimal fit for our patients.

      Locking Liner

      Incorporates a shuttle lock built into the socket and a liner with a pin attached on the distal end. The patient dons the liner which then locks into the socket. 

      Skin Fit Suction

      Patient dons a sleeve that then gets pulled through the distal
      end of the socket, leaving just the patient’s skin contact on the
      socket walls with a suction fit.
      Allows for direct skin contact for proprioception, comfort,
      and stability

      Elevated Vacuum

      Incorporates a sealing liner in combination with a suciton vacuum system. Motion in the foot activates a pumping mechanism to create additional suction.



      Sleeve with Cushion Gel Liner

      Uses an internal gel cushion liner with external sleeve to hold prosthesis on the limb.



      Incorporates higher trimlines to lock in the epicondyles of the knee for socket suspension.




      Prosthetic Feet

      We offer a wide range of feet from multiple manufacturers to
      accommodate patients varying functional, occupational and
      daily living activity levels. These include, but are not limited to:
      Ossur, College Park, Rush, Willow Wood, Otto Bock.
      The practitioner will want to provide the patient with a foot
      that allows the patient to live life as normally as possible. A
      functional level determination and prediction will allow the
      team to zero in on an optimal foot design.


      Low Impact/ K1, K2

      Static or flexible forefoot with shock absorbing heel.
      Intended for optimum static stability, minimal weight
      and cost effectiveness

      Moderate Impact/Articulating

      Incorporates more dynamic materials of varying degrees
      of flexibility. Also may include internal joints and articulations
      that mimic movement in an anatomical foot
      Suitable for higher activity levels and individuals who
      find themselves frequently walking on uneven terrain.
      Can require more frequent maintenance and are often
      heavier in construction

      High Impact

      The functional internal structure of the forefoot and heel spring
      are constructed of specialty composite materials such as carbon
      fiber and fiberglass.
      These springs compress and deflect under load and return
      energy as weight is shifted off of the prosthesis. These are often
      referred to as “energy storing feet”. Most candidates must be
      designated at least a K3 level ambulator in order to qualify for
      this type of foot. If a wearer does not function at this high a level,
      this type of design may hinder a wearers gait because they must
      be loaded vigorously in order to realize the benefit of
      energy return.


      Upper Extremity

      We provide body powered and externally powered (myoelectric) systems for below elbow and above elbow amputations. These include congenital and traumatic amputations.


      We want our prostheses to fit each individual’s lifestyle and
      cosmetic preference

      No photo description available.

      Laminated Sleeves

      Patients have the ability to incorporate a wide variety
      of external socket appearances ranging from skin tone
      to carbon fiber to custom applications.

      Link to Designs: Custom Prosthetic Designs

      Protective Fairing

      Customizable protective plastic covering that
      mimics shape and protects the components for
      higher activity lifestyles.

      Foam Cover

      Cosmetic cover of dense foam to mimic the size and shape of
      patient’s opposite leg




      Cosmetic Silicone Skin

      Cover that mimics lifelike anatomy in a variety of skin tones.



      Call Us: (216) 531-2773